Three Weeks in the United Kingdom

The pandemic really put a dampener on travel for the previous two years, but not this year. I traveled to the UK for my first tour since the pandemic began and I came on a slow day. I got through customs and baggage claim in about 30 minutes. Not so for my clients who came two days later. They arrived at 11am and didn’t leave the airport until about 1pm. The new summer rush had come.

This year people are out and traveling and that is a good thing. Countless times since this trip began I have heard how thankful the businesses are to see people from the States. One even asked my daughter to repeat herself because he “Loved” hearing her American accent because it meant his business could thrive again.

Things are hard in this economy, but if you can still travel please do. Many countries all over the world depend on tourism to feed their families. We should look at vacations in a number of ways, not just for our relaxation and enjoyment of different places and new things, but also for supporting the economies of countries that depend on tourism more than we do. So when you see that smiling face in the restaurant or bar you are visiting, it isn’t just because things are back to normal, it is because they can feed their families better and return to their way of life.


An Evolving Company


Summer 2022 Prep